Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When and where are Monthly Board Meetings?
A: Board Meetings are held at the CPUD office (506 W. St. Charles St.), the third Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m.
Q: What is a backflow device? Is it necessary I install one?

A: A backflow device is installed where plumbing is cross connected and they are used only to prevent cross contamination of bad water with treated water. Instances that a backflow device is required include wells and pools. Click the links below to view the backflow spec sheet and Ordinance 88-1 Control of Backflow and Cross Connections.
Backflow Spec SheetOrdinance 88-1 Control of Backflow and Cross ConnectionsQ: Is CPUD's water fluorinated?
A: No. We do not treat our water with fluoride. You can visit our Consumer Confidence page to view more.
Q: Is CPUD's water considered hard or soft.
A: CPUD water is considered soft. See the CCR page for details.
Q: What are standard billing procedures?
A: We read meters around the 19th or 20th of each month. We mail bills on the 26th of each month and they are due by the 15th of the following month. After delinquent notices are hung on doors you will incur a $30.00 late charge.
Q: How do I pay my bill?
A: We offer several ways to pay your bill. You can bring it into our office during business hours, mail it or call CPUD with your credit/debit information and we can manually process your transaction. Click here to pay your bill. We accept cash, checks, and credit/debit cards. There is an after hours drop box at the top of our driveway.

Q: Where is my meter located?
A: Generally your meter is located along the road side but there are exceptions, including placement in driveways. Most lids are painted blue and they are encased in a concrete box..
Q: How does CPUD measure water?
A: We measure water in gallons.
Q: If I am a new property owner, how do I sign up for service?
A: Please review our "Start/Stop Services" page for more information and a Water Service Application. If you have further questions, call our office at 209-754-9442.
Q: If I have sold my property or am moving what do I need to do?
A: Call the District Office or complete and send a "Discontinuance of Service" form.
Request for Discontinuance of Water Service